Tuesday 28 July 2009

Hormone Therapy After Menopause Increases Risk of Cancer in Women (hrt hormone ; menopause drugs)

As the advancing of medicine, and the ability of human to extract estrogen from many other sources or make their own synthetic Estrogen-Progesterone hormone, many doctors start recommending their women patient who is going to menopause to take Estrogen only pill or Estrogen plus Progesterone pill to decrease their menopausal symptoms such as emotional changes, hot flush at night which causing patient unable to fall sleep, easily irritable, vaginal dryness causes patient experience pain during sexual intercourse, dry skin symptom, night sweating and many others. All this symptoms are very individualistic. Some women may experience more menopausal symptoms but some only have slight or insignificant menopausal symptoms.

In most cases, when patients come to doctors and complain of pre-menopausal or menopausal symptoms, most doctors (even specialists of Gyneacology & Obstetrics) will recommend hormonal therapy. In fact, hormonal therapy does alleviate the pre-menopausal and menopausal symptoms (it decrease the hot flush, night sweat, moist-up the skin).

Unfortunately, there are many side effects come from the long term use of hormonal therapy. From a study carried out shown there is increased risks of ovarian cancer, epithelial endometrial cancer, and breast cancer in women who use hormonal pills to alleviate their menopausal symptoms for more than 5 years. This study also review women who take hormone therapy for shorter period and lower dosage do not show the predisposition to above mention cancer!Nevertheless, doctors to recommend their patient to use hormone pill in menopause women for less than 4 years and in a lower dosage to decrease the cancer risks.

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