Friday 24 July 2009

Why Exercise Is Good For Diabetic Patients (diabetes type 2 exercise ; diabetics exercise ; exercise for diabetes)

There are 2 types of Diabetes melitus. The first one is IDDM (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Melitus). The secondone is NIDDM (Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Melitus).

The causes of IDDM is usually autoimmune disease which attacking the pancreas, viral infection of the pancreas causing pancreatic necrosis, ischemic necrosis of pancreas, post-pancreatic resection pancreatic insufficiency or unknown reason. This IDDM is usually due to insufficiency of pancreatic secretion of insulin hormone. There is nothing to do with the sensitivity of the insulin receptor toward the insulin hormone. Thus, it is commonly happen in young-age patient. In this patient, only insulin hormone injection is required to maintain patient well being.

Whereas, the causes of NIDDM is usually due to obesity, inadequate physical activity of patient, stressful life, and others. This NIDDM is usually due to decreased sensitivity of insulin receptor to insulin hormone, and causing insulin resistence in the patient. Initially, the insulin secretion is slightly increasing to compensate the decrement of sensitivity of insulin receptors to insulin hormone. In this stage, patient needs only medicine that can increase sensitivity of insulin receptor to insulin hormone to maintain his normal life. As time goes by, the insulin secretion Beta-cells in the pancreas will be exhausted and run out of its secreting function. Thus, in the late stage of the NIDDM, both pathologies occur in the patient, they are decrease sensitivity of insulin receptor to insulin hormone and decrease secretion of insulin hormone! Unfortunately, patients in this stage need both insulin hormone and medicine to increase insulin receptor sensitivity to maintain his plasma glucose level throughout his life.

After explain briefly about IDDM and NIDDM, I think everyone who read this blog article already has some ideas about Diabetes Melitus. Here, I wish to further explain why we need insulin and which organs in our body do not need insulin. Insulin is the hormone flow in the blood stream that our body need it to transport the glucose from blood stream into the cells of our body, and our body cells need glucose to generate energy. This is so simple! But, amazingly our Mighty God invented us with some powerful systems that make some our important organs and cells do not depend on this insulin hormone to transport the fuel (glucose) from blood stream into the cells. These organs are Brain, Liver, Red Blood Cells and Cornea of our Eyes. This is so amazing isn't it. Try to imaging now, if diabetic patient without insulin, how can they maintain their brain function? If our brain need insulin, what I can say now is all the diabetic patients were in comatous stage in their early stage of disease. Now Red Blood cells, if RBC need insulin to transport glucose from blood stream into the RBCs, diabetic patient's body already devoid of oxygen and die of hypoxia in their early stage of their diseases. For Cornea of our eyes, diabetic patient would probably be blind in early stage of diabetes. Thus, we should thank God here to give us a amazing body!

Some Good news here too for all the diabetic patient, exercise could help to reduce the blood glucose level and decrease the use of medicine in NIDDM patient who has resistence to insulin. As we know, our skeletal muscles do not have the ability to transport glucose without the help of insulin. Thus, in the case of IDDM and NIDDM, the patient's muscles will be in total weakness. Fortunately, the exercise programe can help to transport the glucose from blood stream into the skeletal muscle cells. It can stimulate tranporting protein of the muscular cells to transport glucose without the presence of insulin in the blood stream or in the patient with insulin resistence! Thus, many doctors advise diabetic patient to have regular, non-intensive scheduled exercise programme to control their diabetes melitus besides depending on the medicine and insulin.

Let's start your exercise programme to all diabetic patient!

1 comment:

superhumanradio said...

Thank you. I look forward to searching your blog too. Looks and sounds intriguing.
